💫 What do you think is karma?

In our world karma is often perceived as something bad, some kind of rule that is chasing us or even punishes us! Some even quote ‘karma is a bitch’.

But if you truly understand karma, you can also reverse it and start seeing it as a blessing! If you are aware of how the law of ‘call and response’ works, you change your life and lifestyle. You realize that “Everything connects to everything else” (Leonardo da Vinci). You see the connection between life and karma, between destiny and karma.

💫What is karma and how does it work?

It is the natural law of ‘getting what you give’, of ‘action and reaction’, of ‘reap what you sow’. It is the law of whatever you broadcast, it will, as a boomerang, get back to you. It is the law of vibrations, whatever you send into the universe, it will manifest. “Energy never gets lost” (A.Einstein). It is the subtle energy of vibrations of your thoughts, words and actions, the energy of your soul and body language. It is the result of whatever you think, speak and do.

💫Creating a brighter future

Karma becomes a blessing when you are aware and you start living it. It restores your dignity and gives you the power to create a brighter future. You become skilled in sending out positive and elevated vibrations in all situations. By doing so, you create a better life, better relationships and a better world. You will be loved more by yourself, by others and by God.

💫Raise your frequency!

You start loving the effort to broadcast only higher frequencies. When you spin too long in a negative mood, or when you have negative thoughts about yourself or others, and as you are aware of your karmic accumulation, you stop this way of thinking! You become totally accountable for your intentions, motivations and attitudes.

It is said that karma is the ethical core of any being that survives even death. So, it is better to learn to imbibe this natural law to the fullest, as sooner or later one will have to face the machinery of the universal law of karma. In many traditions this is remembered as ‘the final judgement’. In this sense it resonates that “Karma is God’s girlfriend” 😀 (A. Williams)

Of course there are more aspects of karma. We need the power to clearly see what is right and what is wrong, not always easy in our current world of many conflicts, settlement and transition. Past karma needs to be healed. The aim is to become free for from all karmic bondages, ‘karmateet’.

💫Proactive with the law of karma

Be aware that all actions have a consequence. It is essential to start turning within, observe yourself and see what you create on all levels of life. Connect to your higher self and follow your inner voice. No matter what happens around you, or whatever (emotional) storm you have to face, always return to your inner peace and learn to take care of your mind. Find yourself a spiritual teacher or group with whom you can learn more about the subtle aspects of karma. In the study of Raja Yoga we explore the philosophy of karma in depth.


Blessings on your journey and SHINE ON!!

Instant Karma / John Lennon (video)